Saturday, January 14, 2006

59. The Senses Are Atomic

Adhyaya 3 Pada 4 AdhikaraNa 3

The Senses Are Atomic in Size

Introduction by shrIla Baladeva VidyAbhUShaNa

Next the author of the sUtras considers the question of the
nature and size of the senses.

SaMshaya (doubt): Are the senses all-pervading or are they

PUrvapakSha (the opponent speaks): The senses must be all-
pervading, for things can be seen or heard from far away.

SiddhAnta (conclusion): In the following words the author of
the sUtras gives his conclusion.

SUtra 7

aNavash ca

aNavaH - atoms; ca - and.

They are also atoms.

Purport by shrIla Baladeva VidyAbhUShaNa

The word "ca" (also) is used here to indicate
certainty. The eleven senses are atomic in size. This is so
because the shruti-shAstra declares that the senses leave
the material body. Things can be heard from far away and in other
ways be perceived from far away because the quality, or power, of
the senses extend beyond the senses themselves. As the individual
spirit soul is all-pervading within the material body, from the
head to the feet, so the senses can also act at a distance. In
this way the theory of sa~Nkhya philosophers, that the senses are
all-pervading, is refuted.

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