Saturday, January 14, 2006

45. Cause of Matter

45. Cause of Matter

Adhyaya 3 Pada 3 AdhikaraNa 8

The Supreme Personality of Godhead Is the Cause of Matter as

SUtra 13

viparyayeNa tu kramo .ata upapadyate ca

viparyayeNa - by the reverse; tu - indeed; kramaH - sequence;
ataH - from this; upapadyate - is manifested; ca - and.

Indeed, this sequence is also reversed.

Purport by shrIla Baladeva VidyAbhUShaNa

The word "tu" (indeed) is used here for emphasis. In
the MuNDaka UpaniShad (2.1.3) it is said:

etasmAj jAyate prANo manaH sarvendriyANi ca. khaM vAyur jyotir
ApaH pR^ithivI vishvasya dhAriNI

"From Him are born life, mind, all the senses,
ether, air, fire, water, and earth, the support of the world."

In the Subala UpaniShad, the sequence is reversed, with
pradhAna and mahat-tattva coming first. Everything actually comes
from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is present within
everything, beginning with the life-air and ending with earth,
and when one feature of creation comes from another, the second
feature actually comes from the all-powerful Supreme Personality
of Godhead present within the first feature. If this were not so,
then these two different versions would contradict each other.
The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the origin of all and the
creator of all. By knowing Him everything becomes known. The
pradhAna and other features of matter, being inert and
unconscious, cannot by themselves create changes in the material
world. That is why the word "ca" (also) is used here.
Therefore the Supreme Personality of Godhead is in every case the
real cause of these transformations in the material world.

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