Adhyaya 3 Pada 3 AdhikaraNa 9
The Supreme Personality of Godhead Is the Creator of Mind and
Introduction by shrIla Baladeva VidyAbhUShaNa
Now the author of the sUtras removes a specific doubt.
SUtra 14
antarA vij~nAna-manasI-krameNa tal-li~NgAd iti cen
antarAH - in the middle; vij~nAna - knowledge; manasI - and
mind; krameNa - with the sequence; tat - of that;li~NgAt - because
of the sign; iti - thus; cet - if; na - not;avisheShAt - because of not
being different.
If it is said that the sequence of mind and intelligence
appears in this way, then I reply: No. Because they are not
Purport by shrIla Baladeva VidyAbhUShaNa
The word "vij~nAna" here means "the
material senses of the conditioned soul".
Here someone may object: It is not proper to assume that
this quotation from MuNDaka UpaniShad (text 2.1.3 quoted in the
previous purport) supports the idea that all the features of the
material world are directly created by the Supreme Personality of
Godhead Himself. The list given in that verse merely gives the
sequence in which those material features were manifested. It
says that first come the material senses and then comes the mind.
This does not mean that everything comes directly from the
Supreme Personality of Godhead.
If this objection is raised, then I reply: No. It is not so.
Why not? The sUtra explains: "na visheShAt" (because
they are not different). This means that the material senses and
the mind are not different from the life-force, the element
earth, or any of the other material features. They have all come
directly from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In this passage
the life-force and all the other material features all come from
the Supreme Personality of Godhead (etasmAt=from Him). That is
the meaning. The following scripture quotes also declare that the
elements are all created by the Supreme Personality of Godhead:
so .akAmayata bahu syAM prajAyeya
"The Supreme Personality of Godhead desired: Let Me
become many. Let me create the material world."
etasmAj jAyate prANaH
"The life-force and everything else was manifested
from the Supreme Personality of Godhead."
In the Bhagavad-gItA (10.8) the Supreme Personality of
Godhead Himself declares:
ahaM sarvasya prabhavo
mattaH sarvaM pravartate
"I am the source of all spiritual and material
worlds. Everything emanates from me."*
In the VAmana PurANa it is said:
tatra tatra sthito viShNus
tat tac chaktiM prabodhayet
eka eva mahA-shaktiH
kurute sarvam a~njasA
"The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord ViShNu,
enters everywhere and awakens the power dormant in everything. He
is the supremely powerful one. He does everything perfectly."
In this way it is shown that pradhAna and all other
material features all come directly from the Supreme Personality
of Godhead. That fact is not at all contradicted by the sequence
of events presented in the Subala UpaniShad and the other
scriptures. This is so because the Supreme Personality of Godhead
is the creator of the original material darkness, the pradhAna
and the other features of the material world. Thus when the
scripture says tat tejo .asR^ijata (The Supreme
Personality of Godhead created fire), it is understood that He
also created darkness, a host of other potencies, pradhAna, air,
and other aspects of matter. When the scriptures say
tasmAd vai (From the Supreme Personality of Godhead
everything has come), it is understood that the Supreme
Personality of Godhead is the master of material darkness and a
host of other potencies, the pradhAna and other features of
matter were born from Him, and the material element ether was
also manifested from Him.
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